Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Now Watching: Booze & Horror edition

Tonight was a double feature of classic horror proportions. The Halloween film that got so much flack years ago that has now turned into a cult hit. Along with possibly one of the best horror collaborations out there. The Simpsons Treehouse of Horrors XI was the intermission tonight along with the first Beetlejuice Halloween special from the animated series.

Booze & Horror nights are some of my favorite nights of the week. I love showing off the classics to my friends that may have forgotten them, or the ones who have never seen them. But while I watch these films with child like glee in my eyes, I look over at some of my friends and see straight boredom. I get the films are a tad dated and cheesy but I feel like so much love was put into these classics. A certain type of horror we don't get to see anymore. I don't know, I also feel like people today are just too desensitized with all the extreme horror films that litter media today. It's a shame but I will always have a special place for these movies. That is why I love Scream Factory! I know a lot of the guys behind the blurays and they do a great job! So much love and care is put into each bluray and it shows. I work very closely with them reviewing titles for my show and would not have it any other way.

This October, make sure to put away the SAW's and hide the many Paranormal Activities sequels and just pull out a few classics you have not seen in a while. They me hauntingly surprise you!

PS: Isn't it just grand that Tom Atkins is in both of these films?!

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