Thursday, October 3, 2013

Dexter: That's all folks! (Non spoiler review)

I really shouldn't have watched Dexter's final episode AFTER the Breaking Bad finale (which was perfect by the way!)

I've been watching Dexter since the beginning and man has this show been a roller coaster. Dexter hasn't been near perfect. Not since Julie Benz left the series a few years back. Which is hilarious when you think about it. Fans hated Rita once the baby was born. "She is always weighing Dexter down!", "Dexter can never get kills done with Rita around!" The writers listened to the fans and crossed her off the cast. I'm not going to lie, I was upset.

When writing a show, you should have your own vision and stick with it. I feel like the writing team on Dexter really pulled a "Mass Effect 3" and changed it's story for the fans sake. I thought the Rita struggle worked out great and gave us a lot of "Oh shit" moments. From a studio standpoint, I can see why they would cater to the fans. But you are compromising the original story and that bums me out.

I gave up on Dexter during it's last season. Deb finds out he kills people and ties up all her loose ends? Great! Where are we going to go with this? fact we are going to introduce a slew of new characters we want you to get attached to in the final season. It doesn't make any sense! As for the last half hour of the final episode. What the hell? Things could have gone so many different ways and they didn't. In fact most of the outcomes were down right laughable. The ending to Dexter feels like it was written two days before they started shooting the finale and it shows.

Dexter, you had some great seasons (season 4!) but you really fell into a Hellmouth at the end there.

I'll be recommending LOST to friends over you, if anyone asks.

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