Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A lonely sleigh ride

Working at Universal, holidays come and go like daily meals. Most just trudge through the seasons not really caring. "It's just a job" most of them say. Even though I'm 26 in my own home, I still want to enjoy the holidays. Halloween made a huge impact in my lifestyle (most cannot say that.) As a kid my father showed me monster movies and took me trick or treating. It taught me that if the world can be scary for a month, why can't it be scary all year round? I never stopped loving Samhain and I now pretty much experience it 365 days a year, so that's the 4-1-1 on my favorite holiday.

This doesn't mean I dislike Christmas in the least. In fact I love it! Though it is true that the holiday season is a lot more fun when you have someone by your side. I can remember taking past girl friends out window shopping and going to winter parades and festivals. These past few years I have not been so lucky with the ladies. The only reason my holiday spirit was up so high last year was due to my old roommate Pez. This was her holiday and she made sure to help me out with anything possibly Christmas related around the house. Well girl and guy roommates are totally different! It seems like I'm the only person in the house this year that really cares. And that's fine. The Christmas season isn't for everyone and I totally get that. It's just kind of lonely I guess.

So I throw a Christmas gathering every year to kind of bring that joy and warm feeling to a lot of my friends who work nonstop and are kind of stuck in their own world. Scary horror movies and monsters aside, I'm a very kind hearted person who enjoys dressing descent, smooth jazz and a nice glass of chardonnay. I just like to break the basic Keenan mold every once and a while.

Why do I keep doing this? Why do I put tons of Christmas lights on the house, decorate the tree next to the fire and buy presents every year even though I'm getting older and should be enjoying my bachelor life style? I really think it has to do with wanting a mini Keenan. I want to keep the spirit alive for my future son or daughter. I couldn't imagine being in a family that didn't celebrate a joyful and fun holiday like Christmas. So I guess you could say you all are my children at this years party until I acquire one for myself, haha! But really, I just want experience these months through my child's eyes. I think this would uplift my spirits and remind me that this is what the holidays are for.

Here are a few pictures form past Christmas gatherings: