Sunday, June 20, 2010

Moved into the new crypt

So I moved into my new house about three weeks ago. Second home lived in outside my parents place (because I will never go back to apartments). It's pretty nice. I live with two friends of mine who are pretty fun. Were all huge geeks in our own ways so it all works out. We have a pool and a fire place so we are covered for both summer and winter. Because come on....fireplaces are the pools of winter! After two years it's been really nice to set up all my horror memorabilia again. I have my haunted little spook shack back and it's fantastic! My buddy Steven Shea even hooked me up with a tempur-pedic water bed. How cool is that?!

Working for Bloody-Disgusting has been slow. My co-host Tex on the radio show has been on vacation for the past few weeks. David got a job in south Florida. And I have been moving. But I'm sure shows will resume very soon. Horror is SO slow in the summer. Film companies have not sent me much the last couple of weeks due to it. I'm afraid I may burned some bridges by not doing some reviews while moving. I may have to contact some PR folk and see whats the dilly.

Sharkteeth is coming back in a BIG BIG way and I cannot wait! For all those who don't know, Sharkteeth is my horror / thrash band. I have sang in this band I put together with buddy Lee Wren on drums, Carson Griffin on guitar and Stephen Daniel on bass for the past two years. Last year we disbanded once Carson left for Korea. He just got back yesterday and we cannot wait to play together again. We have more contacts in the business here in Orlando then we ever did. This should be a good year for the band. I really hope we turn into something. I'm not talking touring with Ozzy on Ozzfest or anything (although that would be cool) I would just love to be known in the Horror-Punk/Rock world. Compilation cd's a mini tours is all I really ask for. Our band has been nothing but fun from the begging and I want that to last.

I lost a close friend of mine last month. Rob (Dos) Manuel shot himself due to the pressures of life. It really hurts to know he came out with us two days before he did this dastardly deed and bought me and my friends beer and did not ask any of us for help. I cannot stress this enough. If you ever get the strange idea that life is to hard and that you cannot take it anymore and you want to do yourself in, PLEASE talk to a friend. And never drink depressed and alone. Lord knows I LOVE TO DRINK! But drinking with friends when your pissed is the way to go. You can get things off your shoulders and know that you have friends here for you at all times.
I never want to bury another friend of mine again. Rob you were a great guy and we will all miss ya you lovable son of ah bitch.

Check out this music video I did for my good friends in Empyrean!

We road tripped to Georgia and North Carolina to shoot this thing in March. It was freezing but we had a great time! I play the head cult leader who makes a woman sacrifice her first born to a golden bull head god. How badass is that? Haha. I met allot of very cool folks on the crew and we hope to do more things together in the coming months. I'm also working with Steven and Abyssmal Entertainment later this month to finish a Grindhouse style film we have been working on called Doomsday County. I play a stoner vampire in it. I know, it's fitting.

So that's what I have been up to since my last update. I hope the rest of 2010 is amazing. I need a good year because 2009 was one long road down hill with a giant bloody spike at the end of it. Gotta love break ups. Hahaha!

Ya'll been watching the third season of True Blood? Shit's been pretty crazy.